Alcohol or Drug Problem ? We Can Help
Billy C - Kings Court
Daniel C - Kings Court
David B - Basic
John N - Sobriety Rocks
Paula S - Sobriety Rocks
Richard W - Basic
Steve N - Queens Court
Must have 30 days sober to join as a member. The Clubhouse is not affiliated with AA/NA or any 12 step group. It is an independent organization managed by Lambda Alano that enables 12th step work by offering safe and inclusive meeting spaces. To Attend Meetings there are no dues or fees. All Meetings are Free and open for anyone to attend, but to participate in a meeting you must follow their tradition three. Membership and Donations to Lambda Alano help to pay for Clubhouse Expenses.
Yearly Pledge can be paid monthly or Annual.
Must have 30 days sober.
Yearly Pledge can be paid monthly or Annual.
Must have 30 days sober.
Yearly Pledge can be paid monthly or Annual.
Must have 30 days sober.
Yearly Pledge can be paid monthly or Annual.
Must have 30 days sober.
Yearly Pledge can be paid monthly or Annual.
Must have 30 days sober.
Minimum of two hours per month of service work in support of the Lambda Alano Clubhouse. Does not include service work in support of your 12-step fellowship.
Available to those who are temporarily unable to contribute financially. Require minimum of two hours monthly service to the Clubhouse. Membership must be approved by the board of directors of Lambda.
Contact an Lambda Alano Board Member or email us at: ""
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Sign up to hear about news and events
Lambda Alano LTD
900 Liberace Ave Ste. A202 Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
We would really appreciate your support. You can help for as little as $5 a month.